Gluten-Free Spaghetti ‘Alle Vongole’

Spaghettis with clams or ‘alle vongole’ in Italian were not in my ‘possible’ cooking list till last week… Why? Because I had to find decent gluten-free spaghetti. Then, because I had to find utterly fresh clams and then, because I had to master the recipe paying my tribute to the Italian cuisine! With my newly found favorite spaghetti brand (Barilla is amazing for its gluten-free spaghetti), the clams from my favorite fishmonger (how beautiful, those shells are!), I had to test this traditional recipe. I’m still amazed by my success… I might be presumptuous but I don’t care, I know now how to make delicious ‘spaghetti alle vongole’ ! Eh eh eh… And my next highest altruistic action will be to share this recipe with you so you can start cooking on you own this delicious dish ! Ingredients:

  • 500 g gluten-free spaghetti
  • 2 garlic cloves peeled but not chopped
  • 2 minced shallots
  • 500g clams
  • 1 small glass of dry white wine
  • 1 large handful parsley leaves, chopped
  • 4 tbsp olive oil
  • salt and pepper


  1. Rince the clams under water; ideally, let them soak for one hour and then rince them to remove the sand
  2. Cook them in a pan with a cup water, till they open
  3. Drain them and keep the water in a bowl
  4. In a large pan, add the olive oil, the shallots and the garlic cloves. Cook them till they are golden and then add the clam ‘juice’ and the white wine. Let the mixture simmer for few minutes and mix well. Set aside
  5. Cook ‘al dente’ the gluten-free pasta in salted water
  6. Pour the pasta in the pan, add the clams and stir well
  7. Top with parsley, salt, pepper and serve immediately

Enjoy !