Rhubarb & Strawberry Vanilla Compote, Blueberries, Yogurt & Coconut Chantilly

It’s super hot outside! Here’s a fresh recipe with cooked ingredients (the rhubarb and some strawberries) for an easy digestion (cooked fruits are easily digested) and some raw ones (the remaining strawberries and the blueberries for some great vitamins and antioxidants). You should try it real soon, all the fruits are seasonal and rhubarb should not last for long on the market stalls (the months for rhubarb are May and June) … Ingredients:

  • 10 rhubarb stems, peeled and diced
  • 1/4 cup strawberries, hulled and quartered / the same quantity for the final dish decoration
  • the juice of one organic orange and its zest
  • 3 ctbsp agave syrup
  • 1 pinch vanilla bean powder
  • 2 tbsp coconut chantilly (check the recipe for coconut chantilly on this blog)
  • 1/3 cup dfresh blueberries
  • 1 goat milk yogurt (or soy milk yogurt)


  1. Preheat your oven to 300°F
  2. In an oven dish, display the diced rhubarb, the quartered strawberries and the lemon zests. Drizzle with the agave syrup, the orange juice and top with the vanilla powder. Mix well
  3. Let the fruits roast till they look tender and slightly caramelized by the agave syrup and the orange juice (stir the mixture from time to time in the oven). Retrieve from the oven and let them cool down
  4. Display the yogurt and top with coconut chantilly in your bowls
  5. Add the roasted fruits and top with the raw ones
  6. Drizzle with more agave syrup if you want but the sugar from the fruis should be enough

Enjoy !