Herbs, herbs, herbs ! I use them all year-long as those fresh ingredients add that little ‘je ne sais quoi’ which make all the difference in all my dishes. And when Winter is too cold for them to grow, I use frozen ones (I freeze leaves, pesto…). You can find different herbs on market stalks nowadays: flat or curly parsley, basil, chervill, mint, dill… a real feast ! Those herbs are loaded with numerous virtues such as vitamin C, minerals and antioxidants. Once nicely cleaned, you can indulge yourself with them. My advice is also to have them as a simple salad with some Guérande or Himalayan salt and few drops of a fruity olive oil…a combination of flavors to die for. Ingredients:
- a handful mint leaves, cleaned and dried
- 300g spinach leaves, cleaned and dried
- a handful flat parsley leaves, cleaned and dried
- one handful chervill leaves and stalks, cleaned and dried / Some extra to serve
- 1 turmeric knob (about 3 cms), peeled and chopped thinly (wear some plastic gloves, turmeric can really stain your hands. If you can’t find any, use some ground turmeric: 1 tsp)
- 1 lorganic vegetable broth
- 1 tbsp ground cumin
- 2 tbsp organic olive oil
- 1 small onion, peeled and chopped thinly
- 200 ml coconut cream
- Guérande salt and pepper
- In a pan, mix the olive oil and the onion
- Add the turmeric and the ground cumin. Mix well and cook till the onions are slightly golden
- Add the spinach leaves, the herbs and the broth
- Cook for another 10 minutes on low heat and after adding the coconut cream and stirring well, remove from the fire
- Mix the soup with a blender and use a strainer if you want a more liquid texture
- Season to taste, add the remaining herbs before serving. This soup can be served either room temperature or hot.