Have you ever paid attention to how beautiful sardine cans are pretty? The overall graphic design, the logo, the colors… The ones pictured above are coming from a trip to Portugal. Sardine is maybe not an ‘it fish’ … but it should! Full of Omega 3, calcium, vitamin D and B, all those nutrients are kept in those beautiful cans. Here’s a simple and delicious recipe with sardine, which should be sold on the market stalls in April (till November).Ingredients:
- 1 can olive oil sardines, drained
- 3 tbsp fresh goat cheese
- 1/4 cup roughly chopped hazelnuts
- 2 tbsp chopped chives
- the juice of half a lemon
- 1 tbsp olive oil
- 6 spelt bread slices
- 1 tbsp chopped parsley
- salt and pepper
- Retrieve the sardines from their can and remove the fish fillet bones (as well as the remaining tails if needed)
- Mash with a fork Ecrasez-les grossièrement à la fourchette
- Add the goat cheese, the olive oil, the chives and the hazelnuts; mash again and mix well
- Toast your spelt bread
- Spread the rillettes on the bread slices, add salt and pepper and top with parsley
- Serve with a dash of lemon