Red Berry Tartlets, Mascarpone & Chantilly


  • 70g cornstarch
  • 110g almond flour
  • 100g rice flour
  • 100g cane sugar
  • 1 cup maple syrup
  • 3 egg yolks
  • 17 cl olive oil
  • 1kg organic strawberries, hulled, cleaned and dried
  • 100g raspberries cleaned and dried
  • 100g white or red redcurrants cleaned and dried
  • some icing sugar for decoration


    1. Preheat your oven to 350°F
    2. In a bowl, mix the cornstarch, the almond flour, the rice flour and the sugar
    3. Add the eeg yolks and mix them one by one
    4.  Add the maple syrup and the olive oil. Mix again
    5. Use your hands to mix the dough and create a compact ball
    6. Spread the dough on a baking tray covered with baking paper (if you have problems spreading the dough, use another sheet of baking paper and use your rolling pin on that baking paper sheet; It will prevent the dough from sticking to the rolling pin)
    7. With a cookie cutter or a bowl, cut disks out of the dough (approx 10 cms)
    8. Cook the disks till they are slightly golden; Set aside and let them cool down
    9. Mix the mascarpone and the chantilly till you get an homogeneous mix
    10. Spread generously the mix on the disks without putting too much cream (you don’t want the tartlets to disappear under the cream)
    11. Top with the strawberries, raspberries and redcurrants before sprinkling some icing sugar and serving