My first recipe dedicated to…pineapple ! And what a recipe, I’ve never tasted something like that ! Some pineapple rolled into spices, normally used for salty recipes… I cannot tell you anything more but to try this one. And do not forget the vertues of my mascot: draining, loaded with vitamin C and manganese (antioxidant) ! Ingredients:
- 200g agave syrup
- 1 tbsp ground pepper
- 1 tbsp ground cumin
- 1 tbsp mint leaves, finely chopped
- 1 tbsp dry thyme
- 1 tbsp ground cinnamon
- 1 tbsp vanilla bean powder
- 1 medium size pineapple, peeled (and heart removed) and sliced into quarters (I advise you to take Victoria pineapple, they are amazing)
- 4 tbsp grated dark chocolate
- Preheat your oven to 392°F
- Mix all the ingredients besides the chocolate
- Place all the pineapple bits in the spice mixture and rolled them into it so they are fully covered
- Place them in an oven dish and roast them till they golden
- Serve tepid with grated dark chocolate and some of the juice released by the pineapple during the cooking time
Enjoy !