Roasted Figs, Goat Cheese, Spelt & Rosemary
I wasn’t a great fan of figs till, one day after few tests, I became addicted and started looking for them on market stalls, roasting them, preserving and/ or reducing
I wasn’t a great fan of figs till, one day after few tests, I became addicted and started looking for them on market stalls, roasting them, preserving and/ or reducing
This is a strange moment of the year when we hear about coming back to the office and to school, when we see the month of September lurking around the
I had to post a tofu recipe for many reasons. First of all, because tofu has a bad reputation of a tasteless ingredients with no fun. Second of all, because
Paris in August ! What a strange idea to be here in the middle of Summer you might say, but I’m here for 9 full days and I might just
This salad is worth trying with its sweet and sour combinations. Roasted peaches are divine with the Parma ham, the rucola, the mint flavor and the balsamic vinegar.I recommend you
The artichoke! The most delicious way to eat an artichoke is to eat it steamed with a good ‘vinaigrette’: you peel it slowly and eat its tender leaves, and then
I’ve called this soup ‘Cappuccino’ because it’s extremely light with a slightly frothy texture while mixing all the ingredients. It’s the full season for green peas (from May to July with a
I was never a big fan of tofu… till now ! I’ve (re) discovered this ingredient…yes it might be boring and tasteless if you eat it like that… but well
‘Tabouleh’ is divine… when well executed ! Made of parsley and bulgur (actually it’s wheat), this amazing Lebanese and Syrian dish has been mostly misinterpreted and twisted into an horrible
Do you know that cantaloupe blends really well with salty ingredients and with condiments such as balsamic vinegar? Here’s a great example with a salad made of canned white tuna ‘ventresca’
Here’s a recipe close to the ‘Ceviche’ but the tuna does not marinate in the lemon juice; It’s just fully flavoured by it as you drizzle some lemon juice and
A second recipe of a fully veggie carpaccio ! I’ve used some watermelon radish but you can replace it with some raw beetroot if you can’t find any, it’ll do just
It’s really the perfect timing for tomatoes as they are available on market stalls…there are seasonal ! My favorite fruit and veggie grower had heirloom tomatoes of different colors…a feast
This recipe is not mine but the one of Jimmy Desrivières, the great Chef of the W Paris Opera ! After working together on creating some of the ‘Saturway’
I told you about in my last post about the sea bream ceviche with avocado, pomegranate and lime. Chef Jimmy Desrivières from the W Paris Opera was very kind to
I’m happy! New seasonal fruits and veggies are being sold at my favorite market ! I’ve found amazing stuff at my regular treasure hunt: new radishes, some pink, some fully
Have you ever paid attention to how beautiful sardine cans are pretty? The overall graphic design, the logo, the colors… The ones pictured above are coming from a trip to
Spring has been here for 10 days now ! And even if it’s grey and cold, even if we wander in rain boots, heavy coats and scarves… you can
It’s still the season for pumpkins and winter squashes, you can still find them on market stalls. So we might as well cook them and eat them in so many
This soup is a concentrate of flavors and vitamins ! And talking about vitamins, as Winter is still around, we should eat a lot of vitamin A to prepare for a