Potatoes, Egg Yolk & Black Olive Tapenade

My Mum always says that the best things in life for food are always the simpliest ones…here’s another example ! Sautéed potatoes, egg yolks cooked ‘perfectly’ (cooked in tamari sauce

Gluten-Free Spaghetti ‘Alle Vongole’

Spaghettis with clams or ‘alle vongole’ in Italian were not in my ‘possible’ cooking list till last week… Why? Because I had to find decent gluten-free spaghetti. Then, because I

My Sunday Roast

Some chicken and potatoes…you might think that I’m sharing a quite common recipe… Except that the combination of roasted chicken and lemon, garlic and green olives is delicious, that all

Quinoa, Shrimps, Avocado & Green Apple

Quinoa is a ‘must do’ when you cannot have any wheat. Full of plant proteins and gluten free, you can combine it in salty or sweet recipes. Here’s an easy

Almond & Parmesan Fluffy Little Cakes

I always thought almond meal was made for cakes…I was so wrong! As a delicious proof, those fluffy cakes light as ‘soufflés’ with no almond ‘back taste’ whatsoever. I use

Un Quinoa Tout Vert

I’ve found this idea of an all green quinoa in a free catalog from Whole Foods in the US. One tip: free newspapers in organic stores and even regular newspaper

Coconut & Lemongrass Rice Noodle Soup

After a trip to an asian restaurant during the weekend, I was eager for another lemongrass and coconut milk soup ! I decided to make my own Thaï soup and found